Photo by Kaitlyn Campbell
Wilhite helps a student with his laptop
Mr. Wilhite Does it All
Personal Finance: a class based on the financial management of a family unit or of an individual. Last year, James Kwentus retired from his position as the personal finance teacher of 12 years. This year, Mark Wilhite has taken on the Personal Finance teaching position. Wilhite previously spent a year in the In School Suspension (ISS) room. Within that year, he was able to see the potential within the school and decided to become a part of it long term.
“I saw that there was an opportunity to teach this course, so I jumped all over it. Technically, it was my decision [to teach this class] because I really wanted to be a part of this school and community. I’ve taught multiple things [prior to this]. I was out at Duschesne High School, in St. Charles, for six years,” Wilhite said.
For Wilhite, flexibility is nothing new.
“While I was there [Duschesne], I taught everything from Programming to World History. I do enjoy teaching Personal Finance; it’s a real applicable life course that teaches kids skills that they’re going to need forever.”
The classroom itself has been remodeled entirely. The few rows of thick, wooden tables have been removed and replaced with small pods of gray desks.
“It was my decision to remodel the room. I didn’t like the traditional rows. I wanted to get the kids to a point where I could move around the room freely and let them move around the classroom a little bit more, as well.”
The room is more open, and has much more space to think and move around.
However, for Wilhite, it’s not just about building an environment for students, it’s also about building relationships.
“I hope to build a family here at Mehlville and engross myself in a community that I have grown to love.”
Mr. Wilhite also coaches boys volleyball and would like to encourage any boys who are looking to join, to come to any open gyms within the upcoming months.