Lamping Offers More Than Teaching
Photo by Denise Henderson Vaughn
Dan Lamping is pictured using a rope to enter Devils Well, a sinkhole cave in the state of Missouri.
His thoughts about life are inspiring and his genuine personality lights up a classroom. Lamping is a social studies teacher. He currently teaches AP Human Geography, Honors U.S. History and African American Studies courses.
Not only does he teach, but he also serves as a sponsor for Culture Club.
Lamping has a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education and a Masters Degree in Education Administration. He brings many unique features to the Mehlville community.
Lamping has been teaching at Mehlville since 2005, marking 16 years in total.
He talks about his favorite part of teaching at MHS.
“I like working with the students here. I’ve gotten to work with some amazing young people who’ve inspired me. I’ve grown to really appreciate the community.”
Lamping is known for being rooted in the Mehlville community. His mom and dad both went to Mehlville and met there. His grandfather built their family home in the Mehlville School District and his children attend schools in the district as well.
He is inspired by many things including the natural world.
“I’m inspired by individuals whose views can either challenge mine and help me grow,” Lamping says.
He looks up to people who have a wide range of experience and knowledge and do things for the purpose of the experience rather than the money.
Growing up, he strongly disliked high school, but throughout his college and working experiences, he learned that he only gained a different perspective on things. Lamping is a motivated individual who values the encounters life puts him through.
Lamping says, “We shouldn’t ever expect things. We must nurture things and work towards making the way we want them.”
His message to young learners is encouraging. He explains that struggle in life is okay and should be unpleasant at times, but opportunities will always be present and will come unexpectedly.
Outside of working on becoming a better teacher, Lamping is working on becoming a better husband and friend. He is a person of improvement and strives to improve himself, his students and the individuals around him. He believes trying to view things objectively and from different perspectives is important and that one should acknowledge their own faults and failures to become a better person.
Some of Lamping’s hobbies and favorite things to do are discover, explore and map caves. He primarily does this in Missouri, but has done a lot of volunteer work in other places.
“I’ve been the president of the Missouri Speleological Survey for the past 6 years. We do a lot of work with state and federal agencies as well as with private landowners and maintain a database of cave locations, maps, etc.”
He is an outgoing person and loves nature. Lamping enjoys activities such as canoeing, kayaking and mountain biking, or riding on trails with his kids.
“Life is a garden. Dig it.”
Lamping inspires his students and the individuals around him to explore life and treat it as an adventure. He makes his point that people should explore their opportunities, take chances, and value growth. Lamping believes that everything is out there for us, we just have to find our tools and start digging.