Where do Mehlville Students See Themselves in 10 Years?


Emily Worthmore- Junior

  • Hopefully in ten years I will be in the House of Representatives or a broadcast journalist at a news station covering stories relating to political journalism. I hope to be furthering my career in politics so that I can be President in 2040!

Freshman- Din Hasanovic

  • In ten years, I see myself becoming a professional soccer player and playing for a big team in Europe.

Senior- Alli Mahfood

  • In ten years, I would have built myself a great journalism career. I would have a couple books
    published and would just do writing full time now. I would have a husband and maybe some kids.

Senior- Paige Heitman

  • In ten years, I see myself working as an actuary, close to completing all my testing and becoming a fellow for the Society of Actuaries or the Casualty Actuarial Society.

Freshman- Nora Burns

  • In ten years, I’ll be 25 so I see myself graduated from college, married, and possibly having one kid. I see myself having a job somewhere in the culinary industry.

Junior-Kennedy Solomon

  • In ten years I see myself with my bachelors degree and law degree. I want to be starting a job involving universal law or international policy.