Mehlville School District faced backlash after deciding to send students to school on Thursday, Jan 9.
Sophomore, Ella Young, woke up on Thursday to find a not so pleasant surprise in her driveway.
“My fuel line had frozen overnight, so I had to put chemicals called ‘Heet’ in it in order to get my car running in the cold.”
This caused Young to be late for school, fortunately, not receiving a tardy.
Low temperatures, icy road conditions, and scarce parking spots at the local high school caused concern among the district’s parents.
One parent, Amanda Kuburic, commented on Mehlville’s social media post questioning the decision.
“Who thought this was a good idea? Did you send the transportation department out to all the subdivision bus stops?” questioned Kubric.
It’s important to keep in mind the school board’s point of view as well. After using up three built in snow days Monday-Wednesday, the board decided to hold an AMI (alternate method of instruction) day next time bad weather arrived.
With another snow front coming in that Friday, Jan. 10 the district needed to prepare. Many of the younger elementary students left their computers at school over break, so if an AMI day was held they would lack the materials needed to do so. Many believe this was the main reason for hosting school the Thursday before.