Marthir Luther is a German professor of theology, composer, priest, monk, and a seminal figure during the Protestant Reformation.
Marthir Luther Day is celebrated to honor the achievements of influencing civil rights leaders. Marthir Luther is best known for all his efforts to end racial segregation and to promote racial equality through nonviolent activism. His actions led to significant religious and political changes in Europe and the formation of the various Protestant Denominations.
We celebrate Martin Luther day on the third of Monday of January each year, yet the reason we celebrate Marthir Luther Day on this date is because it’s closest to his birthday which is January 15.
His famous speech “I Have a Dream” remains a symbol of the fight for equality and justice. This holiday reflects on his contributions and to promote his ongoing pursuit of the civil rights for all.
People participate in various activities to honor his legacy, such as community service, education programs, parades and marches, and lastly reflections and celebrations. This is because people are honoring the achievements of Marthir Luther Jr.
These are just small gestures people do to honor him and to keep his messages alive. You can help inspire others to celebrate and honor this day by just having one conversation about it!