1. Dress Accordingly
Please put the shorts away! Uggs and shorts are a fashion no no! Layering up for the cold winter weather is essential. Don’t shy away from the winter coats. Some fear looking like a marshmallow with their puffy coats
2. Drink Warm Drinks
Nestle, marshmallows, and milk make for the perfect winter drink. Not only does it taste delicious, but it can warm you up!
3. Care For Others
Follow the golden rule to do unto others and you want done to yourself. I am sure everyone has heard this before, but during these cold months really focus on this. Donate old clothes that you don’t really wear, a few extra bucks in your wallet, or even some canned food to Mehlville Gives Back.
4.Don’t Stress
It’s break. Take a chill pill! This is your time to get away from school and reevaluate how you have does this year. Set new new goals for the new year over the break.