TBT: Jack Vs.
Three years ago, former Mehlville students, Jack Williams and Zack Hughes roamed the halls and filmed extremely entertaining competitions against the school’s best teachers, coaches and athletes. Much like the popular videos Chase Guerrero and I make for the MehlvilleToday Broadcast (Johnny Vs.)
I decided to bring back the Jack Vs. style videos with my own version this year after seeing how great it was when I was a freshman.
This year, much of my broadcast time has gone to planning, filming and producing the Johnny Vs. videos. Although some people think it’s wrong to ‘take’ the versus idea from Jack, I would like to explain something.
Jack and Zack are MehlvilleToday legends in my book and their legacy lives on today though Johnny Vs. Only the current senior class was at Mehlville while they attended, but their legacy will be passed down for years to come through Johnny Vs. (the revival of Jack Vs.)
With Johnny Vs., Chase and I expanded the idea and started something that a large number of students enjoy.
I would like to thank Jack for inspiring Chase and I to do Johnny Vs., and I ask that the underclassmen continue the versus legacy after I graduate this year.
The final episode of Johnny Vs. will be aired in the next broadcast. Whether it’s versus track and field, tennis, volleyball or some other spring sport, Chase and I hope you all enjoy it.
Thank you,
John “Johnny” Erik Hoglund