Improvements For The Future
There have been many changes to Mehlville over the past few years. The changes Mehlville has made are re-doing the football field and also putting in a new basketball floor in gym A.
The next big athletic improvement for Mehlville is going to be dugouts and the fence lining for the softball field.
“Mehlville wants to make the softball fields more of a permanent stadium with dugouts and a permanent fence lining,” Tim Champion said.
“We want to create a team store inside of the school, so students can buy apparel year round instead of having one time a year for people to buy football apparel and other sports apparel,” Mr. Landherr says. “There has been ideas about a team store for our apparel since you can only get our items during certain seasons of the year.”
“Also, roofing for Mehlville has gotten worse over the past few years and Mehlville plans on replacing the roofing in the next year or so,” said Mr. Landherr.
“Other plans include upgrading the bathrooms and the H-vac system, but that would happen in the next few years.” said Dr. Swanger.
“The improvements that Mehlville is wanting to make will help us in the future by making us proud of our school,” said Dr. Swanger. “The improvements will help make students feel proud about the facility around them.”

Chase is a senior and this is his second year taking journalism. Davis wants to expand his understanding of sports writing and opinion writing. He also...