Teachers On The Mic
Photo by Joshua Boyd
Teachers Set up for their first podcast
Mehlville High School Teachers, Mr. Boyd, and Mr. Paasch have joined up to create a podcast on the history of the Cold War. Mr. Boyd has also created another podcast with a friend, called Two Nerds One Microphone, about movies, music, and even games.
Mr. Boyd has decided to create a podcast for those who would want to learn outside of school or listen about entertainment. He was inspired to create podcasts because of the joy he gets from listening to them.
His first podcast called “In the Cold” with Mehlville teacher Mr. Paasch is about the Cold War and goes into great detail. Hoping to reach the students that “like history and would like to know more about it,” he wants to give the feeling of learning out of school for the students.
The other podcast is being created by him and his friend from Clayton High School about entertainment, titled “Two Nerds and A Microphone”. In this podcast, they talked about movies, comics, and games, hoping to reach an audience of people who enjoy those things.
It is an entertainment podcast talking about their thoughts on movies and tv shows, such as “The Walking Dead” and what they recently “Nerd Out” too, a segment that they have created. The podcasts are not just for “The Walking Dead”, but on other entertainment topics as well. They hope that creating more podcasts on broader topics will attract more listeners.
Upon speaking to Mr. Paasch and his thoughts on the podcast, he said he was excited and enjoyed the idea of looking “ into a bigger topic and break it down, brings it alive and hopefully makes it more understandable.”
“With the “Cold War’ podcast we are hoping it would come out within the next two months due to the work of being teachers,” Paasch said.
When doing the podcast they are hoping to have each podcast be a unit of The Cold War and hope to have it be a weekly thing.
Their first podcast has recently come out and can be reached here. (https://soundcloud.com/user-197606434) . You can also follow their podcast on Twitter @nerdistheco2 and Instagram NerdIsTheNewCoolPodcast. The first podcast has already been uploaded. Through the near future, they are hoping to have merchandise or special podcast events.