Mehlville High School Makes the Transition to Canvas
Photo by Darren Green
Senior Enrique’ Dubose, uses Canvas in class.
Mehlville High School offers a multitude of different courses and classes all differing in some form or fashion. One thing they’ve all had in common for some time is the use of Google Classroom. Although Google Classroom may soon be a thing of the past, and a new way to connect with students is on the horizon, Canvas.
Although many students may be asking why the sudden change, in reality, there’s been no change this is just a way to bring more structure to learning at Mehlville.
When asked about the transition Sadie Lewis, Director of Instructional Design & Personalization, said, “We really didn’t have a learning management system already in place in the district so, it really isn’t a switch it’s more of a new implementation”. Of course, there will be growing pains with the application of canvas at Mehlville, but Canvas looks like it can be an effective tool for the future.”
Canvas is set to be implemented into Mehlville’s learning approach in the near future. What is Canvas? you may be asking. Canvas is a learning tool that facilitates assignments as well as teacher and student interactions. Google is seen as the more easily approachable tool as well as being the free option. On the other hand, Canvas has a multitude of features as well as being an effective way to integrate a college-style learning tool into high schools.
There’s a large variety of opinions on this change, but one important perspective is that of the teachers. Photography Teacher Emma Teson has already started using Canvas.
“I think it’s gone pretty well because I’ve had a lot of experience using Canvas in college and when I student taught… the school that I was teaching at also used canvas,” said Teson.
Teson also shares her opinion on how she thinks this will affect teaching in the near future.
“I think it all just depends, I think it depends on how much Canvas is integrated into teacher’s courses. If we’re all using it a lot and we’re all using it in similar ways, I think it’s gonna be picked pretty up quickly,” Teson said.

Darren Green is a senior. He’s both a track and football athlete and has been for all four years. He’s also a journalism student who’s very passionate...