Tips to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Ernad Suljic

By: Amber Klump; Writer

As the predicted day, of the end of the world, draws near people are beginning to prepare for whatever catastrophic event may occur. According to Anna Mulrine from Christian Science Monitor, writing for Yahoo News; On October 31st, the US Military has begun training for a zombie invasion. What does this mean for the human race? Should we also begin to prepare for the zombie apocalypse  Who knows for certain if it will happen, but better to be safe than sorry, right? If searching for a few survival tips, this is the place to get them.
In case of a zombie apocalypse one must keep an open mind. The first, and foremost, step to preparing is learning the surrounding areas. If running or trying to hide from danger it is best to know where is and is not safe. Next, make sure to cut all ties. It is hard seeing loved ones being the victim, but they can not be saved. By trying to save them many more lives are put at risk.
One of the biggest tips to survival is collection. Collect all non perishable foods that are available. Who knows how long this thing could last. Be sure to obtain as much water as possible, it might be wise to distill it as well. The collection of all blunt instruments is a must. Aluminum bats and crowbars are two good things to have because they are easy to store/carry and you can use them repeatedly. All things that shoot may be good in the beginning  but what happens when ammunition runs out? Be smart when choosing a weapon and who to travel with. Stay clear of those who may slow the group down.
Remember back in gym class when all that needed to be done to pass class was climbing a rope? Well, hopefully that rope was climbed. Zombies are unable to climb very well. So maybe that tree house that has not been touched in years is a good hiding place. Be sure to wear many layers. It may get hot, but the infection is spread through a simple bite. Start exercising now! A lot of running will be involved. Do not get bit because of a lack of exercise. It is never to late to begin preparing. So, go to the store and start shopping, make plans to get a gym membership, and prepare the house so no one can break in. Share these tips as well as look up some more online and maybe the uninfected will outnumber the infected.