Four Tips to Make Your Next Year Great

Zack Martin, Web Editor

     With the course scheduling happening for freshman, sophomores and juniors, some students may be very confused as to what courses to take. Some students are drawn to the more advanced and challenging classes, while others look for more entertaining classes. Whatever types of classes you like, here are some tips that could help anyone make their 2016 -2017 school year perfect.


Don’t Choose Classes Based on the Teachers That Teach Them:

    One the reasons that some students decide to take a certain class or not is based on the teacher that teaches. While having a good relationship with a teacher is important, it should not be the final decision when it comes to choosing a class. A teacher you thought you didn’t like could become one of your favorite teachers if you give them a second chance. A teacher that you already like could potentially not be teaching the class next year as well.


Don’t Feel Pressured to Take Classes Your Friends and Parents Want You to Take:

    It is great to be in classes with your friends. Sometimes, your friends want to take a different class then you do. Maybe this class is an elective that you find to be boring or a core class you find to be too challenging. It is probably best to take the classes that you feel will be more exciting and more comfortable for you. Who knows, you might meet new friends or find a new passion. The same goes for parental pressure. It is important for students and their parents being on the same page when it comes to the classes they take. This does not mean that the parent should have the right to dictate the classes you take. Students and their parents should have talks that are informative on what classes would be wise and helpful to take, not just what one party wants.


Don’t Overwhelm Yourself With too Many Challenging or Easy Classes:

    For incoming sophomores, juniors, and seniors, many AP and Honors courses are available to take. This does not mean that you should take all of these more challenging classes. Taking to many of these classes means you lose some social, free, and family time. If these are classes you are comfortable with taking, then find a nice balance with these hard classes to fit your schedule. Easy classes are also classes that should be taken in moderation. Too many easy classes will lead to a boring time at school with not much learning going on. You should find a good amount of classes that challenge you and classes that give you more leeway. This balance will help make sure that your school year is interesting and engaging, while not making your life too stressful.


Find Classes That You Like and Enjoy:

    It is important to find classes that you enjoy so that you can achieve greater success in your school career. Take classes that interest you so you can find the classes you truly enjoy over the classes you somewhat like. You can use this information to continue to take the classes you love and keep your school day engaging. Taking classes that interest you can also show you that classes that you really don’t like. Don’t feel like you wasted a semester or a year by taking a class you ended up not liking. Finding a class you don’t like allows for to focus more on the classes you do like. Overall, finding classes that you enjoy will make your school days more engaging and interesting.

Click here for a look at the 2016 – 2017 Course Guide