Minimum Wage

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Anthony Garcia, Managing Editor

A huge proposed wage increase in St. Louis City is raising some controversy. Many workers have been fighting for a raise in minimum wage jobs in St. Louis and surrounding counties and towns.

    The raise that was proposed in 2015 attempted to make the wage raise to $9 on Jan.1, 2016. The following year Jan.1, 2017 it would hit $10 and then $11 finally in  Jan.1 2018.

    Views were split on the raise. Junior Taylor Green thinks minimum wage should be $9.

    “I have to pay for my own things. I don’t like asking my parents for money,” said Green.

Green like many others work part time jobs after school, currently $7.65 is not enough money for people to be able to do what they want.

    “Some adults can only get minimum wage jobs and you cannot make a living with these,” said Green. Today roughly three million workers are on the minimum wage nationwide according to

    Many Americans however cannot live on this wage because total income of a full time employee on minimum wage makes about $15,080 a year. So if it will make things better for people why don’t we raise it? Well, Acknowledgement of the possible cons is also very important however. Karl Rushing a history teacher here at Mehlville thinks we should be cautious.

    “Nothing is wrong with a modest increase, It should go up reasonably, if not it can be counterproductive,” said Rushing.

    Some business owners are saying that the increase will force them to lay workers off, also that such a raise would create high rates of inflation. Most agree that a increase is needed but do not have a specific number. Proposed minimum wages have gone from the current wage all the way to $11.

    “I don’t have a specific number, I think it should be tied to the rate of inflation,” said Rushing. The St. Louis Mayor endorsed the raising of wages believing that it would benefit tens of thousands residents in the city. Until legislation is passed to keep it at $7.65 or change it to $11 some people will struggle to make a living wage. In this case however time is money.